Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Your Leading Lady

Hello Silver Screen Sergeants and Movie Maniacs!

An "amateur" is a person who engages in an art, sport, science, or other activity as a pastime rather than as a profession.  Literally speaking, "amateur" is a French word meaning "lover of."  That being said, I am an amateur of motion pictures.

I love movies.  Always have.  I love movies like Rhett loved Scarlett (Gone with the Wind - 1939), like Rick loved Ilsa (Casablanca - 1942), like Linus loved Sabrina (Sabrina - 1954), like Nickie loved Terry (An Affair to Remember - 1957), like Tony loved Maria (West Side Story - 1961), like Harry loved Sally (When Harry Met Sally - 1989), like Jack loved Rose (Titanic - 1997), like Will loved Viola (Shakespeare in Love - 1998).  Get the picture?  (Pun intended)

Since Oscar season is upon us and because I never keep my New Year's resolution so I might as well surprise myself (a blog being my NYR for 2010), here it is - drumroll please - Reel Reviews from an Amateur Critic.  Subject: Movies.  So if you fancy reading, writing, and talking about movies - blockbusters and busters - like I do, please read further.  You may not (read: probably won't) agree with me on most things (read: everything) I write about, but rest assured that nothing pleases me more than an intellectual (and sometimes superficial) discussion about all things relating and related to films.

This blog is for anyone who has seen a film.  Here's looking at you, kid.



  1. am loving this blog - keep 'em coming!

  2. Brittany! This is a GREAT idea! You are such the perfect person for a blog like this. :]
