Jenny, a 16 year old schoolgirl in early-1960s suburban London, falls for a charming and mysterious older man (Peter Sarsgaard) and soon finds herself in over her head socially and emotionally. Jenny is at a crossroad having to choose between her thirst for knowledge and her desire to be cultured. Her two choices raise this question: What should be valued more? An education from textbooks and classroom lectures or an education from living life properly (in Jenny's case enriching her life with art, poetry, jazz music, traveling, and fine dining)? When David Goldman (Sarsgaard) introduces her to this new world, Jenny has a decision to make: College or Culture?
Which would you choose, dear reader, when both options are presented to you on a silver platter? Would you choose the responsible, long-term investment of a school-bound education or would you choose the short-term gratification of fulfilling your passions?
In hindsight, having a college degree under my belt, I'm proud that I made the decision to seek out a higher education. On the other hand, I graduated almost three years ago and I'm unemployed so a romantic weekend get-a-way to Paris and sipping champagne and munching caviar at a jazz nightclub doesn't sound so bad. In fact, if I'm really honest, it sounds downright tasty and there's a good chance I'd give my left arm to be doing that right now!
The way I see it we chose both! Studying abroad whilst in college - the perfect combination of culture and education.